About Me

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Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer from Hell

I've just survived the worst possible summer that a lower-middle-class girl can possibly survive in a suburban/rural town in Southern Manitoba. Between landlord issues with my old landlords and my anxiety issues popping back up, it has not been a fun time.

But I'm determined to fix my life. I am determined to fix myself too.

I've made myself a daily list of tasks to complete. Things that might be common to you, habitual, I haven't had the luxury of holding onto through all the chaos of the last twelve months. Things like eating breakfast, combing my hair, putting on my makeup, cooking dinner after work ... but I'm getting my habits back. I'm still paying rent on a regular basis. I haven't fucked that up yet. I'm still earning a paycheck. I might've fucked that one up, but I can still fix it.

Here's hoping. I'm going to start blogging again regularly because this makes sense to me. It helps. Nobody's reading this, but to be able to put my problems on a page and detach myself from them, look at them logically ... it helps. Therapy writing.

I'll be updating Tea and Tales and Doing Nothing But Drinking Tea on a more regular basis as I work on my publishing goals, so keep an eye out for my announcements and updates on the review blog and the posting blogs. And last but not least, keep me in your thoughts and minds as I try to work my way back into normal society.

~Emily Grace

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