About Me

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Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

You Should Read These Blogs

As a writer of little to no reknown, I know how hard it is to get that initial following of strangers who enjoy what you're doing and want to support you / see more. This page is dedicated to blogs that I read and enjoy, just because I am capable of coding links into posts and reading interesting stuff on the internet.


So, to start with, I ran across this guy on Gaia Online and I've gotta admit, I wasn't very nice to him. But for the most part, he was very patient and polite about my dickery. So I got curious and checked out his blogs.

Oh. My. Sweet fluffy Lord was I ever impressed.

His Blogger handle is Willabee and he's got a few projects going on that I want to point out to everybody.

The Dearlies is an imaginative blog wherein he writes little letters and notes to various people, places and things he encounters in his world.

Magickology is another imaginative blog that he runs, only with a more spiritual and dedicated focus. Willabee shares his knowledge of magick here and, personally, I'm following the blog because I share these beliefs.

Thought Of The Day!: And What Say You? is a philosophical blog where he chats about philosophies that can be applied by anyone to their everyday life.

And last but CERTAINLY not least, Of Poetry and Prophecy is where Willabee posts his writing up for human consumption, just like I do with Doing Nothing But Drinking Tea. He's a very creative young man and I have nothing but respect for the work he's doing right now.