About Me

My photo
Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Donate To The Writer

Previously, I had a Paypal donation button in the sidebar of the blog. I decided that it looked too cluttered when I tried to explain the reason WHY I'm asking for donations, so I removed the explanation. And then it was just a "Give Me Money" button, and I decided I didn't feel right about that, either, so now you've got a page to look at.

Why am I asking for donations?

Here's the thing: I'm not. I've added the Donate paypal button to offer up another way of showing support for the blog. At this moment in time, even though I'm not as well-off as I would like, I'm not starving, I'm able to pay my rent and my bills, and I've even got a little left over each month to put away for savings.

If I'm not asking people for money, why do I even HAVE a Donate To The Blog page?

Eventually, I am going to be working on a hard-copy Happy Notes book. And it is NOT going to be cheap. It will feature original photography done by me, prompts, original quotes, and pieces of wisdom that I've discovered.

This may sound simple, but it kind of isn't. I have to focus my energy on what's keeping me out of debt: My 40-hours-a-week job.


If I can turn my blogs into a source of income, enough that I can at least cover my expenses, then I can devote more time to my projects and the eventual creation of the Happy Notes book.

For now, though, the "Tip Jar" button below is just a "Tip Jar".

Click the empty jar if you'd like to donate!