About Me

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Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soo . . . yeah.

Yeah . . . so, I've got a new job. I'm working at Starbucks (again) only this time, I'm guaranteed to never be alone, and to never have to deal with irate/abusive customers alone/without support of management/coworkers. Yeah. Big plus. Money coming in. Woohoo.

I've also been thinking pretty seriously about publishing things. I'm a writer - see that poem in the header? Yeah, I wrote that.

I've taken a look at Lulu.com (a popular self-publishing site) and I've started submitting my work to a podcast-in-the-process founded by my addiction hobby site, Gaia Online. Here's the link to the thread in the Writer's Forum that's calling for submissions/explaining the whole deal: Everyday Madness -- Gaia Audio Fiction Podcast

I'm not sure when the podcast goes up, but I will be submitting regularly (my Gaia Username is Isacean) or as often as my work isn't declined for being above the PG-13 rating that the site maintains.

Oh well.

Back to Lulu.

I've been doing a LOT of research - and by a lot, I mean a LOT - about self-publishing. I have to honestly say . . . putting together a book on Lulu doesn't seem like the satanic burnt-offering I always believed it to be. With enough hard work, dedication, and planning . . . I figure I can easily make a nice chunk of pocket change doing it.

My friends are probably going to give me flack for this, but I don't think I care. When I wave my book in their faces, they'll bow down before my awesome talent and skills.

Now . . . what the fuck am I gonna publish?

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