About Me

My photo
Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blog Will Update Soon!

Over the next few weeks, I will be changing the layout and purpose of The Table In The Corner. Yes, the primary focus will be my life, but I'm going to change it up a bit.

See, I'm currently quitting smoking. My last cigarette was Friday afternoon at exactly 12:00pm. My friends are aware that they must do terrible things to me if they catch me with cigarettes and I'm doing my best to keep my word so they won't do nasty things to me.

My friends are vicious. I do not want to tempt their wrath.

So I'm turning back to my first love, cooking. Did you know that when I was just starting high school, I wanted to be a chef? Yeah, I love food. Both sets of grandparents instilled in me a love of creating edibles, so I've been enamored with it for a long time, but I set aside that dream in favor of one that would, y'know, not make me even fatter than I already thought that I was.

The Table In The Corner is going to be a craft/foodie blog that's going to detail a lot of my personal projects that aren't my writing -- Doing Nothing But Drinking Tea is dedicated to writing, I don't need two blogs that do the exact same thing.

So, over the course of the next few weeks -- probably by the end of December, beginning of January -- I will have updated the blog's image and purpose and gotten some material for posting.

Don't fret, though, if you come in search of wanting to know how my life is going. Cooking and crafting are stress-reliefs for me and I'll probably ramble on about what I'm stressed about / what inspired the latest projects before I start to explain how I made them.

I'll DEFINITELY keep updating about how my process to transition genders is going, but I think I'm going to use a different platform for that story. Will post with updates about when / where that's happening.

Peace out for now, ladies and gentlemen!
