About Me

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Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Safe

This past month, I've been working steadily towards one goal: Self-publishing something. The semester ended at university, thank GOD, and I have no intentions of going back.

You'll notice a new theme / site thing. I'm getting better at Blogger customization. I've also gotten better at procrastination.

The book review blog is going well.

This is a very tiny post, but I really don't have anything else to say right now.

... I think.

I'm forgetting something.

What am I forgetting?

Think, think, think ...

OH RIGHT!!!!!!

I've been evacuated from my house. The floodwaters are threatening the health and safety of about 700 people in my city, me amongst them, so I'm off and away from there. I'm staying at my aunt and uncle's while they're out of town -- my uncle has qualified for the MS Liberation Surgery in Phoenix, so he and my aunt are off doing that while the grandparents stay at the house and watch my nephews -- and ... yeah.

I'm safe. Still waiting to be able to go home and snuggle with the roommate and the cats and be happy and working again.

(Starbucks is shut down too. Its located only twenty feet away from the Gargantuan Sandbags of DOOOM that are holding back the UNHOLY WATER OF DOOOM, so we're out. Thank God Starbucks isn't like other Corporate Overlords and actually care about the employees. I actually had the district manager call me and make sure I was alright, because my new house is right there in the exact same area of the Starbucks, and she wanted to make sure I was safe and sound and had a place to stay and all that jazz. I love the people I work with and for. They're all amazing.)

Emily Grace