About Me

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Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.

Monday, May 31, 2010

My coffee cup is a ninja

This morning, I completed the first part of my provincial standards English exam. Basically, I answered a bunch of essay questions about pictures, quotes and various literary pieces on the topic of "Journey to Discovery." And while this was happening, my coffee cup turned into a ninja - or it might have been a ninja before, I just didn't know about it because it was so ninja.

Anyways. Background.

Provincial English Exam = no food or drink on the desk (it might spill and destroy the answer booklet.) So when I walked in with my ceramic Starbucks to-go mug, I had to stay and finish my tea by the door. (It is only my coffee cup in the sense that tea cups conjure an image of a delicate little thing painted with roses or delicate little birds, while coffee cups generate a much more hearty, sturdy, drink-the-bitter-ash image.) Once I was finished, I put the cup on the teacher's desk like a good little girl and then sat down in my assigned seat to listen to the rules.

The first hour passed. I was doing pretty well for myself, so at the beginning of the second hour - around 10:00 in the morning - I decided to have a nice stretch. I moved my chair back so I wouldn't bump my desk and make noise . . . only to see my coffee cup sitting about two inches away from my left foot.

"My coffee cup is a ninja."

I actually said it out loud in the middle of the provincial exam. People giggled, I got a few glares, but I didn't care. I had a ninja for a coffee cup. That was a good enough explanation for me, so I just kept on going with my exam.

Thinking back on it now, the teacher was probably the one who moved it off her desk and put it by my feet in the first place. Logic dictates that somebody had to have moved the cup from one side of the room to the other - I was sitting about four rows of desks over from the teacher's desk, after all - and ninja coffee cups just aren't logical.

But logic is overrated. Ninja coffee cups will rule the world. But nobody will notice because they're all really, really good ninjas.

My ninja coffee cup is probably still in training.