I signed the lease on my house today, and paid my first month and my damage deposit. I have my keys and I know how to get there on my own. (When I was viewing it initially, and when I returned to meet the landlords, I engaged my aunt to be my chaperone. Again, I'm an 18 year old girl. I have a brain. I use that brain to keep myself safe and to know when I'm doing things that are way out of my depth, like apartment hunting and discussing rental agreements.)
The current tenant and I discussed, at great length, what my move-in date would be "officially". We eventually came to the agreement that the day I signed the papers would be my "official" move-in date, and I would be a legal tenant from that date. The landlords agreed, so . . . today was that day.
I'm not living in the same city, or region, as my parents or a majority of my belongings, so next weekend, my parents will be bringing me my own bed from home, along with a few other basic necessities of life (like what I had to leave behind when I moved into my dormitory.)
It's amazing what can accrue over eight months of residence in a place.
I have more clothes than when I moved in. I have more shoes. I have a large box dedicated to notebooks alone. I have triple the amount of books I once had, and that's not including my textbooks. I have a printer, a fridge, a laptop and a television. My collection of movies has quadrupled, as has my assortment of towels and face cloths.
And now they're all in boxes and suitcases, ready to be shifted from my dormitory to my new house. And it is a house . . . a house shared between myself and one other girl, very close to my workplace and a shopping centre, and far enough away from a main road that it is a relatively quiet and safe neighborhood.
I have a ninja plan with my in-town relatives to move all of my stuff over long before my parents arrive, so we can just spend the weekend hanging out and having fun and being a family and adjusting to the fact that I WILL NOT be moving back home to the Back-Assward Corner of Nowhere and Nothing. (That last one is more for my parents than me . . .)
It is disconcerting, to say the least, to be moving into your own place for the first time. I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to last. Working full-time, paying rent, saving up money for what I want . . .
Oh my Gods . . .
I've got to be an adult now.
I thought I could put that off for a little longer, but . . .
At least I'll have my own place to put Ninja Coffee Cup, instead of a little tiny room with a bunch of other rooms with people in them around it.
Wish me luck. I've finished packing my books and stuff, and now I'm working on my clothing . . . Anybody have any tips or tricks for getting over the anxiety of seeing your life reduced to boxes and suitcases?
Emily Grace
My personal blog, full of musings on life, the people in it, the things I enjoy, and my awesomely ninja coffee cup.
About Me

- Emily Grace
- Emily Grace Lamontagne is a young woman currently residing in Southern Manitoba. She's passionate about writing, reading, and the arts, and she has an unholy love of tea. She works as a Starbucks Barista and moonlights as a writer.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
So, I'm angry.
I'm VERY angry right now.
A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) was looking for somebody to go to the bar with him and his girlfriend. I had just gotten home from Starbucks (dorm was being noisy so I took my study notes and left) and found him wandering around. I said I would be happy to go to the bar with him, as long as I didn't have to meet him there and/or go to the bar by myself.
I'm an eighteen year old girl. I know better than to go to a bar on a Saturday night by myself. I have a brain, I use said brain to keep myself safe.
He said that was fine, that we'd all be meeting at the dorm and going from there. I say okay, I go get ready.
Ten thirty, I text him to tell him I'm ready to go when he is, he just needs to text me to tell me where to meet him and his girlfriend and we'd all catch a cab together. He texts me back saying OKAY.
An hour and fifteen minutes pass, I'm still waiting for him. So I text him again at 11:45 to see what the deal is, when we're all heading to the bar. He texts me back and where is he?
He's at the fucking bar already.
The bastard fucking forgot me.
I'm an understanding person. I can forgive a lot, I can let a lot of things slide. When I am going out of my way, putting aside my personal interests (studying for my exams, in this instance) in order to do something for somebody else, and that gets thrown back in my face? Nuh-uh, not gonna fly.
He wanted somebody else there with him, aside from his girlfriend, because said girlfriend was open and honest about being a social butterfly and said, yes, I'm going to dance with my friends, most of which are guys, please don't get jealous sweetie. He wanted somebody else there he could hang out with - as a friend, somebody to lean on, somebody for support.
I offered to do that for him, setting aside the three exams I need to study for and all the boxes I still have to pack so I'm ready to move into my new house, and he forgot me.
He kept saying he was sorry over texts, but I, quite frankly, didn't care. I was - and still am - so angry, I couldn't see straight. I've ended friendships over far less. I've worked my butt off to help him, to give him advice, to be there for him whenever he needs me . . . and then he just forgets me.
I don't know if I'll be able to forgive him. I'm angry and I'm hurt and I know for a fact that he doesn't understand exactly what I'm angry and hurt about, because he's dense like that.
I've put down my ninja coffee cup for the night. Rye and Cokes, double shots, no ice. All alone in my dorm room, while I'm packing to move into my new house, and in between reading chapters of Intro to Socio-Cultural Anthropology.
Emily Grace
A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) was looking for somebody to go to the bar with him and his girlfriend. I had just gotten home from Starbucks (dorm was being noisy so I took my study notes and left) and found him wandering around. I said I would be happy to go to the bar with him, as long as I didn't have to meet him there and/or go to the bar by myself.
I'm an eighteen year old girl. I know better than to go to a bar on a Saturday night by myself. I have a brain, I use said brain to keep myself safe.
He said that was fine, that we'd all be meeting at the dorm and going from there. I say okay, I go get ready.
Ten thirty, I text him to tell him I'm ready to go when he is, he just needs to text me to tell me where to meet him and his girlfriend and we'd all catch a cab together. He texts me back saying OKAY.
An hour and fifteen minutes pass, I'm still waiting for him. So I text him again at 11:45 to see what the deal is, when we're all heading to the bar. He texts me back and where is he?
He's at the fucking bar already.
The bastard fucking forgot me.
I'm an understanding person. I can forgive a lot, I can let a lot of things slide. When I am going out of my way, putting aside my personal interests (studying for my exams, in this instance) in order to do something for somebody else, and that gets thrown back in my face? Nuh-uh, not gonna fly.
He wanted somebody else there with him, aside from his girlfriend, because said girlfriend was open and honest about being a social butterfly and said, yes, I'm going to dance with my friends, most of which are guys, please don't get jealous sweetie. He wanted somebody else there he could hang out with - as a friend, somebody to lean on, somebody for support.
I offered to do that for him, setting aside the three exams I need to study for and all the boxes I still have to pack so I'm ready to move into my new house, and he forgot me.
He kept saying he was sorry over texts, but I, quite frankly, didn't care. I was - and still am - so angry, I couldn't see straight. I've ended friendships over far less. I've worked my butt off to help him, to give him advice, to be there for him whenever he needs me . . . and then he just forgets me.
I don't know if I'll be able to forgive him. I'm angry and I'm hurt and I know for a fact that he doesn't understand exactly what I'm angry and hurt about, because he's dense like that.
I've put down my ninja coffee cup for the night. Rye and Cokes, double shots, no ice. All alone in my dorm room, while I'm packing to move into my new house, and in between reading chapters of Intro to Socio-Cultural Anthropology.
Emily Grace
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sitting in Starbucks
I'm writing this post from my Friendly Neighborhood Starbucks store (the ONLY Friendly Neighborhood Starbucks store in this town, actually) and I'm wondering things.
If you've seen it on Facebook and Twitter (its probably calmed down by now, but about two and a half weeks ago, it was viral all over the net) then you know about the Jacqueline Howett debacle. The Self-Published authoress threw a shit fit over a review posted about her book, The Greek Seaman. Big Al of Big Al's Books and Pals was wonderfully polite in dealing with her ranting and he was even polite when she - a woman who is in her 50's at the very least, according to her own blog - descended into expletives at anybody who commented on the blog supporting Big Al and his review of her book.
Compared to about 80% of the reviews I've looked at of self-published works, it was gloriously polite. I read the preview of The Greek Seaman on Amazon, and I was quite frankly shocked by the quality. But the plotline was solid, the characters were interesting, and if you ignored the mass of spelling and grammar mistakes, it was an engaging read. Big Al was honest, to-the-point, and very, very flattering towards Ms Howett, and she threw that back in his face within TWO DAYS of his posting of the review.
Talk about immature, huh? One thing an author should never do in regards to a review is flame the reviewer for writing it. ESPECIALLY when, for the most part, the review is flattering.
So, it got me thinking. She's damaged the reputation of Indie and self-published authors. I'm going to do something I never thought I'd want to do:
I'm starting my own book review blog, dedicated solely to reviewing the works of self-published and indie authors.
Well . . . why not? I'm an avid reader, and this will give me a good chance to not only express my opinions, but to maybe read the next Edgar Allen Poe or Charles Dickens of the 21st Century before they get famous. To assist with this, I'm working seriously on my own self-published project to get into the mindset of what's what and where's where, and at the moment, I'm working on my submission guidelines.
If you have looked at my own story-posting blog which, I'm ashamed to say, I haven't updated in awhile because Life's kicked me in the teeth (see my previous post) then you'll see I write things all across the board. I want to read all across the board as well.
I'm currently working on submission guidelines, I made a Gmail account specifically for this so I'm not getting my submissions lost in the abyss that is my yahoo account, and I'm advertising in my Gaia signature that I'm looking for self-published works to review.
We'll see where this goes.
Wish me luck!
Emily Grace
If you've seen it on Facebook and Twitter (its probably calmed down by now, but about two and a half weeks ago, it was viral all over the net) then you know about the Jacqueline Howett debacle. The Self-Published authoress threw a shit fit over a review posted about her book, The Greek Seaman. Big Al of Big Al's Books and Pals was wonderfully polite in dealing with her ranting and he was even polite when she - a woman who is in her 50's at the very least, according to her own blog - descended into expletives at anybody who commented on the blog supporting Big Al and his review of her book.
Compared to about 80% of the reviews I've looked at of self-published works, it was gloriously polite. I read the preview of The Greek Seaman on Amazon, and I was quite frankly shocked by the quality. But the plotline was solid, the characters were interesting, and if you ignored the mass of spelling and grammar mistakes, it was an engaging read. Big Al was honest, to-the-point, and very, very flattering towards Ms Howett, and she threw that back in his face within TWO DAYS of his posting of the review.
Talk about immature, huh? One thing an author should never do in regards to a review is flame the reviewer for writing it. ESPECIALLY when, for the most part, the review is flattering.
So, it got me thinking. She's damaged the reputation of Indie and self-published authors. I'm going to do something I never thought I'd want to do:
I'm starting my own book review blog, dedicated solely to reviewing the works of self-published and indie authors.
Well . . . why not? I'm an avid reader, and this will give me a good chance to not only express my opinions, but to maybe read the next Edgar Allen Poe or Charles Dickens of the 21st Century before they get famous. To assist with this, I'm working seriously on my own self-published project to get into the mindset of what's what and where's where, and at the moment, I'm working on my submission guidelines.
If you have looked at my own story-posting blog which, I'm ashamed to say, I haven't updated in awhile because Life's kicked me in the teeth (see my previous post) then you'll see I write things all across the board. I want to read all across the board as well.
I'm currently working on submission guidelines, I made a Gmail account specifically for this so I'm not getting my submissions lost in the abyss that is my yahoo account, and I'm advertising in my Gaia signature that I'm looking for self-published works to review.
We'll see where this goes.
Wish me luck!
Emily Grace
Monday, April 4, 2011
Ninja Coffee Cup Strikes Again!
I've decided that my ninja coffee cup is becoming a much better ninja.
Ninja Cup was forgotten approximately 800 kilometers north of where I'm currently living. I took it home for Christmas so I could have my traditional cup of Christmas Ogn (yes, that's spelled right. I'll post the recipe for my Christmas Ogn when the season rolls around again) right before opening the first present on Christmas Morning. Because I had to go to work on New Year's Eve, I was in a rush to pack my things and I left my oh-so-amazing ninja coffee cup in the dishwasher at my parents' place.
Well, about two weeks after it happened, I called my mother in a panic, who reassured me that my mug was safe and sound, tucked away up high and hidden behind some old cups in the cupboard where my dumbass brother couldn't find it, and that it would be waiting for me when I moved back home for the summer.
That was a laugh in and of itself. Never, not once in any of the time since I started my first year of university, did I ever indicate that I would ever be moving back to the ass-end of nowhere on the corner of Nothing Way to live with my parents, a brother I despise, and be stuck in a very isolated Northern community. And when my mother was telling me this over the phone, I had been sitting at my computer responding to "Roommate Wanted" ads.
That was the end of that, and I got myself a new mug. It was . . . nice, but it wasn't my ninja mug.
Fast forward to about three days ago. I had a massive kick-to-the teeth from Life. I lost the apartment that I was all set to move into for (of all reasons) my would-be Roommate's parents were giving him shit for letting a girl move in with him. My age had nothing to do with it, my sexuality had nothing to do with it, it was just the sheer fact that I was a girl that made him tell me I wasn't allowed to move in anymore. The day before that, my ex-girlfriend attempted suicide and I was a nervous wreck. And to top it all off, living in residence at university was very quickly becoming intolerable.
(Read: My neighbors enjoyed noisy, raucous, bed-hitting-the-wall, flesh-hitting-flesh, unnecessarily-loud-and-unconvincing moaner sex every night for two weeks straight, for long, long, long hours that stretched from midnight to just past 5 AM every single fucking night.)
So I was having a rough time of it. I ended up taking my Replacement Kung-Fu mug (it wasn't cool enough to be a ninja, it just knew kung-fu) coffee cup and throwing it against the side of the building while I was outside having a cigarette. It shattered, leaving me without a carry-along mug once again.
Anger, sadness, and a whole rainbow of emotions just punched me in the chest and I doubled over sobbing and screaming and ranting at God for letting things get this bad.
And that's when I sobered up. I was drunk on emotions, not a substance, although I went back to my room and drank half a 24 of Vodka straight from the bottle about ten minutes after that. Anyways . . . I knew it wasn't God's fault that this shit was happening. God created us, he doesn't need to sit around and babysit us like we're perpetually two. He gave us free will for a reason.
After I finished chugging the vodka, I started digging through my boxes in order to find my regular old coffee cups. I needed something caffeinated to wash down the booze.
Guess what I found?
Tucked at the very bottom of the box my coffee cups were in, was my ninja coffee cup. It was a bit beaten up and dirty, but it was there. I called up my mom and she went and checked the cupboard and, sure enough, where she'd tucked my ninja coffee cup was empty of said ninja coffee cup. She hadn't touched it, my brother swore on his bong that he hadn't touched it, and Dad was at work so we couldn't ask him and . . .
Well, ninja coffee cups are ninja and sometimes there just aren't explanations for what's happened with them. I made myself a cup of tea after giving my ninja cup about fourteen different baths of dish soap and scrubbing it really well, then puked my guts up because I drank twelve ounces of vodka in the span of twenty minutes. Drinking to excess in a short amount of time has never been a strong suit with me, but give me a glass of water and peanuts on the table and I can drink heavyweights under the table . . .
I've seen my ninja coffee cup show up at work twice since it got home, neither times when it was anywhere near where my work stuff is usually kept.
Its a NINJA. And its getting BETTER because I no longer have ANY explanation for what the fuck's going on.
And once I get a camera, I will post PICTURES of the NINJA.
Emily Grace
Ninja Cup was forgotten approximately 800 kilometers north of where I'm currently living. I took it home for Christmas so I could have my traditional cup of Christmas Ogn (yes, that's spelled right. I'll post the recipe for my Christmas Ogn when the season rolls around again) right before opening the first present on Christmas Morning. Because I had to go to work on New Year's Eve, I was in a rush to pack my things and I left my oh-so-amazing ninja coffee cup in the dishwasher at my parents' place.
Well, about two weeks after it happened, I called my mother in a panic, who reassured me that my mug was safe and sound, tucked away up high and hidden behind some old cups in the cupboard where my dumbass brother couldn't find it, and that it would be waiting for me when I moved back home for the summer.
That was a laugh in and of itself. Never, not once in any of the time since I started my first year of university, did I ever indicate that I would ever be moving back to the ass-end of nowhere on the corner of Nothing Way to live with my parents, a brother I despise, and be stuck in a very isolated Northern community. And when my mother was telling me this over the phone, I had been sitting at my computer responding to "Roommate Wanted" ads.
That was the end of that, and I got myself a new mug. It was . . . nice, but it wasn't my ninja mug.
Fast forward to about three days ago. I had a massive kick-to-the teeth from Life. I lost the apartment that I was all set to move into for (of all reasons) my would-be Roommate's parents were giving him shit for letting a girl move in with him. My age had nothing to do with it, my sexuality had nothing to do with it, it was just the sheer fact that I was a girl that made him tell me I wasn't allowed to move in anymore. The day before that, my ex-girlfriend attempted suicide and I was a nervous wreck. And to top it all off, living in residence at university was very quickly becoming intolerable.
(Read: My neighbors enjoyed noisy, raucous, bed-hitting-the-wall, flesh-hitting-flesh, unnecessarily-loud-and-unconvincing moaner sex every night for two weeks straight, for long, long, long hours that stretched from midnight to just past 5 AM every single fucking night.)
So I was having a rough time of it. I ended up taking my Replacement Kung-Fu mug (it wasn't cool enough to be a ninja, it just knew kung-fu) coffee cup and throwing it against the side of the building while I was outside having a cigarette. It shattered, leaving me without a carry-along mug once again.
Anger, sadness, and a whole rainbow of emotions just punched me in the chest and I doubled over sobbing and screaming and ranting at God for letting things get this bad.
And that's when I sobered up. I was drunk on emotions, not a substance, although I went back to my room and drank half a 24 of Vodka straight from the bottle about ten minutes after that. Anyways . . . I knew it wasn't God's fault that this shit was happening. God created us, he doesn't need to sit around and babysit us like we're perpetually two. He gave us free will for a reason.
After I finished chugging the vodka, I started digging through my boxes in order to find my regular old coffee cups. I needed something caffeinated to wash down the booze.
Guess what I found?
Tucked at the very bottom of the box my coffee cups were in, was my ninja coffee cup. It was a bit beaten up and dirty, but it was there. I called up my mom and she went and checked the cupboard and, sure enough, where she'd tucked my ninja coffee cup was empty of said ninja coffee cup. She hadn't touched it, my brother swore on his bong that he hadn't touched it, and Dad was at work so we couldn't ask him and . . .
Well, ninja coffee cups are ninja and sometimes there just aren't explanations for what's happened with them. I made myself a cup of tea after giving my ninja cup about fourteen different baths of dish soap and scrubbing it really well, then puked my guts up because I drank twelve ounces of vodka in the span of twenty minutes. Drinking to excess in a short amount of time has never been a strong suit with me, but give me a glass of water and peanuts on the table and I can drink heavyweights under the table . . .
I've seen my ninja coffee cup show up at work twice since it got home, neither times when it was anywhere near where my work stuff is usually kept.
Its a NINJA. And its getting BETTER because I no longer have ANY explanation for what the fuck's going on.
And once I get a camera, I will post PICTURES of the NINJA.
Emily Grace
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